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Get everything done on your “To Do” list

Do you have a daily “TO DO” list that seems to never end? Every morning, I wake up and look at my list from the previous day and create a new list for the task to get accomplished for that day. For the longest time, I struggled with the feeling of guilt of not accomplishing everything on my list. The day would start with clear expectations to accomplish my daily task, but somehow or another I would end up with more task uncompleted than completed. However, I felt incredibly busy and was able to justify why I accomplished what I accomplished that day.

The one thing that changed my productivity and helped create a newfound level of productivity was being able to micromanage my time. As I implemented this strategy, I often found that my most important task were completed in a timely fashion. The stress and guilt of a never-ending TO-DO list are now memories from the past.

Want to learn how I implemented a strategy to micro-manage my time. Be sure to watch the video below.

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