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Learning from Sales Philosophy

By looking back to sales training legends who pioneered and originated their messages, we can benefit from learning the timeless principles they taught. Just like how we value ancient greek philosopher teachings, we will take these sales teachings, use them in our own context today, and pass on what we learn to future generations so that this invaluable knowledge is never lost! So today, we’re going to break down three legends in the sales training space and their sales philosophy. 

Sales Philosopher #1: Grant Cardone

Grant Cardone is an expert in sales training and his teachings are invaluable. One of the key aspects he emphasizes is ‘Follow up’. Statistics prove that most people make one call if any at all, and give up – whereas almost 25% of successful sales occur between fifth to eighth attempts! With internet advertising, it can take eight to eleven calls just for a prospect’s first qualifying conversation about the right product. Follow-up really does pay off!

The foundational philosophy of following up

Grant Cardone, one of the world’s renowned sales trainers, shared a video about follow-up five years ago. His advice is to keep following up until someone says “no” and entrepreneurs should use this tactic for generating revenue. However, it can become annoying if there isn’t any additional value provided with each reach-out attempt – which means we must constantly deliver something new that makes people realize our worth and view us as valuable resources in order to ensure successful follow-ups.

Automating follow-up in your sales process is essential in the current business climate, and many CRM systems can do just that. However, to separate yourself from average entrepreneurs and salespeople–those who are at the top of their field–it’s important to add a personal touch by connecting with prospects over phone calls or even having an unexpected run-in. These extra steps make all the difference.

Grant’s message was clear: to become part of the top 1%, salespeople must rely on automation and digital communication and find creative ways to get in front of their prospects. This timeless advice is as relevant today as it ever has been – follow-up remains one of the most essential skills when it comes down to successful selling!

Sales Philosopher #2: Chet Holmes

Legendary sales thinker, Chet Holmes, reveals his secrets in a video aptly titled ‘The Ultimate Sales Set Up’. If you watch carefully and pay attention to his lessons on digital platforms, you can easily pick up what he’s teaching – something many have been doing for years without realizing it.

See video

Chet Homes demonstrate the power of teaching in a role-play situation, emphasizing that knowledge and data should be used to lead prospects on an emotional journey. While asking questions is important, it’s even more powerful when backed by relevant market data. By reading his book and adapting its philosophies, one can learn invaluable lessons about selling from this masterful teacher. This process is called education-based selling, or education-based marketing. 

Sales habit to embrace: the best education makes the easiest sales.

Digital marketer named Russel Brandon has developed this concept of education-based selling and marketing, which combines traditional websites with webinars, ebooks, and other forms of educating customers. By teaching people something they can use to solve their problems rather than just trying to sell them the product or service itself, marketers are more likely to make successful sales backed by data.

Chet Holmes is a renowned sales trainer and his book, The Ultimate Sales Machine has been rereleased with new additions to make it relevant for the digital age. His daughter Amanda Holmes serves as CEO of their company, offering modern iterations in the text designed specifically for today’s era of selling. To succeed in this field one must focus on education rather than attempting to sell products or services – after all, providing knowledge-based solutions makes closing deals that much simpler!

Sales Philosopher #3: Zig Ziglar

Zig Ziglar, an influential sales trainer and author of Secrets to Closing the Sale, teaches us cost versus price conversation. He encourages using visuals such as writing on boards or graphics when showing figures so prospects can see and hear what you are offering – enabling them to make better decisions based on logic and emotion combined. Through this technique, he explains how one can ask any potential customer if they are more concerned about the difference between cost and price.

Zig’s philosophies teach us cost versus price

The premise is that we often focus on the price of a product or service when making purchasing decisions, but it is important to consider cost as well. The total cost could be much higher if there are frequent repairs needed for lower quality items versus investing in something more expensive that will require less upkeep over time. This concept can easily apply across any industry – from washing machines to professional services like pest control and video production. Understanding both the immediate price tag and long-term costs associated with an item or service helps us make smarter investments today.

When we use visuals to accompany what we say, our prospects are more likely to take us seriously and convert into customers. So when you don’t add the benefit of visual content like slides or videos during discovery calls on Zoom, it can be difficult for your message to sink in with prospective buyers. By showing them a problem you have identified along with demonstrating how you would solve that issue using an investment broken down into multiple payments, they will find it easier to retain information which increases their chances of conversion.

We have heard from 3 leading names in the sales training world- Grant Cardone, Chet Homes and Zig Ziglar. And many more out there. In this series we will try to relate their teachings with our current era while being aware that not all of what they say may fit today’s context – some concepts might need disagreement or modifications.

If you are an entrepreneur who relies on discovery calls to generate sales, it’s important not only to have good marketing tactics but also the skill of selling. Good marketers and sellers must work together in order for success – bad either one can kill your business quickly! Get better at closing deals so that each call is worth its cost no matter how much money was invested into setting it up.

See also:

How To Turn Your Customers Into Lifelong Advocates?

Questions You MUST Ask to Close More Sales!

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